Lyle Kirk War Memorials

Lyle Kirk Church of Scotland, Greenock has 3 buildings all with several war memorials:

Esplanade – previously Old West Kirk – has 2 memorials, one from the Gaelic Church and another 2 for the Old West Kirk.

Newark Street – previously Finnart St Paul’s Church – also has 2 memorials, one from Finnart Church and the other from St Paul’s Church.

Union Street – previously Ardgowan Church – has several memorials, Union Church, St. Andrew’s Church, Trinity Church and another memorial which came from Union Church on closing but not clear which church it originally came from – possibly Sir Michael Street United Free church.

Further information can be found on the Lyle Kirk website and on the Watt Institution/McLean Museum site – find at: and at



See also on this site photographs of gravestones and memorials in Greenock Cemetery.

There has been a considerable amount of research on the people named on all the memorials which has been shared with the Inverclyde Great War project but we would be happy to share research and deal with any enquiries regarding those named on the memorials.  Also there is a booklet on the Old West Kirk memorials.  See at:!Aun-xW11ySOE-gUi9Y-Ace7vrxd1?e=hTZ7Sr

You are welcome to use any information but please attribute it to our website.  Thank you.